If you didn’t find an answer to your question, please contact us by email at info@gocaribetour.com or in our online chat.

Transfer booking

if you did not receive a email confirmation within 1 hour , please contact us and we’ll be happy to send the confirmation voucher.

Meeting driver

Transfers Punta Cana, LLC

We care about your safety while you’re traveling with us, this is why we have issued all our drivers with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) and CDC – Center for Disease Control & Prevention recommended guidelines for basic protective measures against the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Your health and safety are our priority now more than ever, as well as that of our drivers.

all our vehicle get disinfected after each ride, during the ride the drivers were face shield, mas, cloves, alcohol 70%

Armored Vehicle

Driver’s will be waiting outside holding your name on a sign or the company logo .